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We are Team Hadron 

A vibrant fusion of two promising teams, Xeleron and Nexus. We proudly represent the students of Alamanda College, with our team drawing inspiration from the Large Hadron Collider. Just as the Collider merges distinct particles to create high-energy collisions, we've combined our forces to spark a journey of learning, innovation, and progress.

Our story began with Team Xeleron's extraordinary determination and skill, leading to a glorious 1st place victory at the F1 in Schools National Finals, alongside numerous category awards. This success paved our way to the F1 in Schools World Finals in Singapore in 2023. 

F1 in Schools World Finals in Singapore in 2023

2024 F1 in Schools National Finals

In the final weeks of Term 1, 2024 Hadron, a collaboration between Alamanda College and Phoenix College in Ballarat, travelled to Adelaide for the F1 in Schools National Finals. Joining the team as Manufacturing Engineer was Ryan Vaida from 8I. Ryan competed in the State Competition in 2023 in the Cadet class and transitioned to the Senior Professional class, usually reserved for students in Year 11 and Year 12. 

2024/25 Competition Season

The 2024/25 season of F1 in Schools is well underway, with 80 students registered to compete for 10 places (two teams) representing Alamanda at the State Finals to be held in late October of this year. Students have chosen the roles they would like to pursue including Team Principal, Design Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Graphic Designer, and Marketing and Sponsorship Manager. Students attend regular workshop sessions and will demonstrate their skills and knowledge at an internal competition to be held at the end of this term. We wish them all the best.

For more information about the competition, visit: